How to Develop a Successful Enterprise Mobility Strategy

One of the key drives of fundamentals change in the IT landscape is Enterprise Mobility. Over the last decade, mobile technology has significantly improved the performance of many businesses and

user experiences. Almost every top brand has invested in developing and launching an exclusive mobile

application to reach the masses.

Almost in the fraction of a second, mobile technology has become the preferred choice for accessing and

sharing information across verticals and groups. Needless to say, the Millennials and GenZ identify mobile

as the only viable platform; it will not be an exaggeration to state that their lives revolve around it.

Therefore, a successful enterprise mobility strategy is not just the need of the hour for businesses, but also the most evident shift that modern companies

need to make through their investments in technology solutions.

What is Enterprise Mobility 

While it is not easy to define enterprise mobility, it can be understood as the growing trend among businesses to adopt the mobility of corporate data

through technology networks. Ranging from remote working to cloud technology for data access, and

responsive digital communications to operation automation – enterprise mobility is a collective shift

towards deployment of mobile solutions across an organization.

According to Investopedia, enterprise mobility management can be explained as the “distribution, organization and control of mobile

devices like cell phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops.” Besides giving companies greater control over

their data and infrastructure, enterprise mobility plays a key role in increasing employee productivity,

guiding hassle-free regular operations and enabling a digital transformation for businesses across verticals.

More and more businesses today are moving away from the traditional “in-office” business model towards

remote interactions. Mobility is at its highest till-date, as the market is brimming with high-performing smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs, interconnected

through 4G and 5G networks. The number and variety of innovative applications have skyrocketed, allowing

for many features like videoconferencing, online transactions and more.

Why Enterprise Mobility is Important for Businesses Today

The benefit of mobility strategy for businesses is an all-new chapter in itself. Mobile is now changing the performance of companies, bringing flexibility and

productivity to the table. An enterprise mobile strategy roadmap can enable a forward-thinking approach and innovations in businesses due to the sheer number of opportunities

for driving profitability.

Enterprise mobility strategy can reduce a company’s expenses on employee accommodation, travel, office space leases and other overheads.

At the same time, robust and interactive mobile data solutions improve how customers interact with your business’

products, services or employees. The number of touch points, the value of user experience and, therefore, the

probability of conversions have increased manifold.

Further, enterprise mobility solutions can offer customers greater leverage in self-provision services besides creating highly personalized experiences

for them. Complexities can be removed, new revenue systems are built, and the overall narrative gains in the

bigger picture. The nature of benefits of an enterprise mobility framework has not gone unnoticed by attentive leaders. More than 77% of CIOs today are considering a mobile-first approach for boosting their digital presence.

How Enterprise Mobility Is Leading the Way to Digital Transformation

Unless enterprises approach company-wide digital transformation in the current business environment, they

subject their ventures to enormous risks. Today, every business, irrespective of its size, industry and vision,

should opt for a digital transformation, especially around mobile technology. 

According to an insights study by Forbes, 43% of executives in organizations reported excellent progress in their digital transformation efforts due to

mobility empowerment among first-line workers. With the purpose of digital transformation being simplicity

and ease in daily life, enterprise mobility management directly helps to streamline different operations,

departments and individuals to make this happen. 

Supervisors and employees can work across locations, have more meaningful interactions and troubleshoot

problems with a few clicks. As businesses expand, enterprise mobility also helps them handle various workflows

and operations through digital tools, taking yet another step towards a smarter digital transformation. Here are

just some advantages of enterprise mobility for businesses. 

Faster Decision-Making 

Data accessibility is one of the key aspects when it comes to business decisions. Real-time data analysis can

help any company make decisions more efficiently. It is in this aspect that mobile digital strategy outperforms traditional physical interactions – technology-based information sharing is faster, more accurate

and delivers results despite any distance.

Increased Productivity 

Studies show that workplace mobility can improve productivity by 23%. The basis here is simple – if employees can access data, teams and work from anywhere, this reduces their

daily fatigue and time loss in travelling, while offering them much more flexibility and chances of relaxing between

different tasks. They can also access information while they are commuting or on-site.

Improved Employee Retention

Simplification of work, greater flexibility and all-time access help reduce employee stress. With improved work-life

balance, besides more efficient work outputs, staff members build stronger teams and work cultures. This can

increase employee retention in the long term.

Heightened Security

As much as we are dependent on mobile devices for our daily needs, they are not automatically secure when it

comes to large networks. Even unintentionally, a minor mishap can lead to greater consequences for business

data and information if not foreseen. An enterprise mobility strategy can help make space for all such potential security risks and have a proper plan in place should any shortcomings


Better Risk Management 

Every business is exposed to some risks, which can lead to significant losses and devastation, without the well-established

handling system. Strategy mobility for businesses can help manage risks better by preparing your organization, such as safety backups on the cloud, better networking,

instant access to relevant data, or shutting off the access in case of cyber-attacks.

Technology has indeed been shaping global progress towards digital transformation, but it has to be paired with the

right tools and resources for productive outcomes. Mobility, in line with technology, is emerging as a key enabler of digital

transformation that impacts the way businesses interact with the world. 

The Key Steps to Develop a Successful Enterprise Mobility Strategy

Start from the End 

When planning an enterprise mobile application development strategy, it is essential to keep both the end product and

the user in mind. Careful planning and consideration are essential when it comes to crafting a well-defined strategy

that can work wonders for your business.

Start by outlining all the goals you want to achieve through your enterprise mobility strategy.

Next, chalk down the role and relevance of different stakeholders – customers, employees among others – who will

be using your application or platform. Further, try to figure out in the initial stages which pain points you want to address,

and what values you want to add to the user experience.

Once you have outlined the above, it is also important to consider any long-term developments in your products and

services, and if that vision can be adequately represented through the mobility plan. This could be in terms of your sales

and marketing efforts, infrastructure, team or new unexplored verticals.

Focus on User Experience 

Whatever medium you are developing for enterprise mobility, the focus on user experience remains the same. Mobile

responsive design that functions well across mobile devices is a must. Your application or platform must work across all

smartphones, tablets and other devices irrespective of the resolution.

These days, businesses are using HTML5 technology to build their applications, which is automatically compliant across

most devices. At the same time, a user does not need to download anything to use your platform on the web. Mobile responsive

websites and applications are cheaper to create compared to native ones and easy to engage with. Make sure that your platform

works across Windows and iOS platforms as well.

Repeated Monitoring and Optimization

Enterprise mobility applications need to be continuously optimized and updated to get rid of any glitches. There is always a

scope of improvement and innovation when it comes to enterprise mobility service offerings. Thus, businesses need to stay on

their toes when it comes to enhancing their product over time. 

Staying in touch with real-time data and feedback to implement modifications in your enterprise mobility strategy is of utmost

importance. At the same time, the focus on data security and privacy breaches can be tightened only with the help of consistent

insights with enterprise mobility management. An efficient hierarchy of administrators, supervisors and users is necessary to enforce

and monitor various policies associated with enterprise mobility management. 

Use External APIs

The one thing you want to do for successful mobility is putting the pulling strings in the right hands. APIs are the engines that help

your enterprise mobility application perform better. These are backend information systems that empower applications and allow data

set exploitation in a myriad of ways.

Therefore, if your enterprise deals with extensive amounts of data, it is always advisable to rely on external APIs. There is no need for

you to ponder about new systems and data management, for the API handles it all for you. They can also help you gain entry into new

markets and establish connections with new customers. The one thing you need to be careful about is security and integration with your

mobility strategy.

Get Help from Experts

Finally, enterprise mobility planning can prove to be a humongous task for any organization. There are numerous challenges of

implementing enterprise mobility. Not to mention, it is a highly technical domain that calls for expertise, experience and innovation. Therefore,

it is equally important to decide on the best professionals offering enterprise mobility opportunities for a cohesive strategy.

We at Swagsoft  are not just mobility developers, but also your partner who shares a keen understanding and enthusiasm for business development.

Swagsoft’s leading mobile app development practice based out of Singapore relies on a deep one-on-one understanding of your industry, business processes and goals to help you craft a

winning app development and marketing strategy.

Apart from some of the best-performing enterprise strategy examples that you can look up to, the variety of solutions at Swagsoft address the unique needs of businesses with changing times. A large number of enterprises today are unaware of how a successful mobility strategy fits into their quest for digital transformation.

With the help of experts, businesses take over the steering wheel, controlling the new rules of digital transformation. Ventures can now use effective enterprise management apps for enhanced functional and operational capabilities, comprehensive data analytics and visualization, better team collaboration, flawless supply chain

management and improved brand awareness. With such efforts and guidance by experts, enterprise mobility emerges as a powerful pillar

for the growth and success of businesses. 

Charting the Future: Recent Enterprise Mobility Trends 

A mobility enterprise majorly depends on its industry. Enterprise mobility can be used to address specific concerns within industries as well as

streamline the overall approach to digital transformation. 

However, there are a few common denominators that are making a buzz in the industry as well. The future of enterprise applications is both promising and confounding, for the domain has so much potential that there seem to be never-ending additions and opportunities to this sphere.


With the steep adoption of mobile payment solutions, consumers have more reasons to rely on their mobile devices. However, mobile payments

are often restricted to smaller amounts and more casual transactions. Therefore, this is one area that has a major potential for growth.

Mobile banking services and commerce applications can see a considerable development and extended use cases in the future. People can also

benefit from real-time investing through their mobile devices besides utilizing secure mobile wallets for crypto transactions. The difference between mobile payment users across GenZ and older generations is a clear indication of what lies ahead.  


The real estate and construction industries have not remained untouched by the potential of enterprise mobility. Augmented and virtual realities

have become interesting options for companies to help their clients visualize spaces. BIM technology is steadily gaining importance as a one-stop

solution to everything that companies have to consider when it comes to construction – planning, modeling, visualizing, calculating, improving

efficiency, energy considerations, structural designs, sheet layouts, and more.

Virtual reality and Building Information Modeling are the two spheres that might see an explosive growth in the years to come. Enterprises and

=firms that are ready to embrace this advancement will be able to entice more customers, builders and vendors through a mobilized business process.


Needless to say, the retail industry has been quick in adapting to innovative technologies. The global coronavirus pandemic locked almost every

brick-and-mortar store we know for a considerable period. If it hadn’t been for eCommerce, supplies of essential and non-essential goods could have come to a standstill.

The good news is that even after the pandemic recedes, customers might still want to rely on their mobile phones for a relaxed and hassle-free shopping experience.

Therefore, early adopters in the retail industry will be at a clear advantage as mobility can help them both personalize experiences and widen their reach.

Retail stores can add value to customer shopping experiences with the integration of additional features such as voice search, AI suggestions, and digital assistants

among others. Augmented reality can help customers try products sitting in the comfort of their homes. They can also connect their digital wallets for savings and rewards.


The pandemic has helped people realize the growing importance of telehealth and telemedicine. Healthcare providers can now use enterprise mobility to digitize their

services and make them more accessible and affordable for the masses.

As the world has become more tech-savvy and is likely to remain so in the near future, the healthcare and wellness industry can leverage the power of technology to

come up with remote facilities equipped with voice, AI, machine learning and augmented reality tools to improve patient care and save more lives.

Is Enterprise Mobility for You?

Without even asking about your industry or business size, our answer would be YES! The benefits of mobile solutions can be used by every business, large or small,

and every industry, B2B or B2C. In our years of mobile app development experience, the one thing we have noticed is that the surge for establishing a digital presence has never been greater than now.

In the current conditions, enterprise mobility has come to be viewed as a pivotal element for any organization seeking digital transformation. It not just drives radical

thinking in organizations in terms of pursuing new revenue streams and business models, but also helps them progress shoulder-to-shoulder with market newcomers

equipped with digital innovations. Hence, mobility has emerged as a critical aspect driving digital transformation in businesses.

Enterprise mobility is not just an option anymore – it is a necessity. Organizations must either adapt to this novel inevitability, or risk being left behind by their tech-savvy competitors. 

Therefore, we would certainly recommend you take the next step towards enterprise mobility. There are enormous avenues to explore and multiple benefits to enjoy, and it is

high time to get started now!
